January 18, 2024

Escape the False Security of Your Job

Are you working in the corporate world? If so, you probably have a great paying job, but how secure is it really? Have you ever considered what would happen if you lost your job? Throughout your career, you may have thought about starting your own business, but various reasons held you back—fear of failure, self-doubt, concerns about what others might think, or maybe you were simply content with where you were.

The Corporate World is far from secure

But here's the truth: the corporate world is far from secure. In fact, it's pretty unstable. Mergers, acquisitions, downsizing—they happen every day. And when they do, the turbulence it causes in people's lives is undeniable. At best, you could lose your job and be unemployed. At worst, what you thought you had saved for retirement could be cut in half or even more due to stock revaluation resulting from a merger or acquisition. But perhaps the worst thing is the regret you'll feel when you're older, looking back on your life, realizing you didn't pursue your dreams or do what you always wanted to do because you played it safe and were content.

I recently had a conversation with a corporate executive who went through this kind of turbulence three times in the past seven years. It wasn't because he wasn't good at what he did, but simply because in the corporate world, it's all about the bottom line—there really is no security. So let me show you why owning your own business is much more secure than having a job.

Own a Business for real security

First of all, your success is based on you and nobody else. Everything starts and ends with you. No c-suite executives getting in your way, pushing their ideas or agendas onto you. It's all up to you.

Secondly, when you own your own business, there are multiple streams of income. Unlike having a job where you rely on one customer (your boss), losing that customer means losing all your income overnight. But as a business owner, you have many customers. If you lose one, it's not a big deal because you have others providing income to you. And if you want to make up for the one you lost, all you have to do is go out and get more customers or clients.

Lastly, when you own a business, there are no limits. There's no glass ceiling. You're not capped in income, vision, or impact. You can truly go as big as you want because it's all up to you. If you want to increase your income quickly, you don't have to wait around for months or years to get a raise. Simply go out and get more clients or customers to make more money.

No limits, go as big as you want

So, if you want to have control of your life and income with no caps, if you want to look back on your life when you're 80 with no regrets, able to sit around during the holidays with your kids and grandkids, telling them that you went for your dream, achieved what you wanted, and made the impact you desired on the world, or maybe you just want more security in your life right now, I encourage you to book a discovery call with me.

Together, we will explore the franchise opportunity here at ActionCOACH to see if it aligns with your goals and provides the security you desire in your life.

So go ahead and click the button below, you will have the choice of booking a discovery call or exploring our opportunity on your own by watching our Franchise Discovery Video Series.

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Discover True Financial Security

Unlimited scale and growth
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